The short story on this is that Blizzard is afraid of their player base. I'm not too surprised given them many people I knew were originally going to dodge WoW based on the sort of person you tend to bump into when playing Star Craft. Still, if players want to dual wield fish, why not let them? After all, female warriors have already tanked in thongs and bikinis.
As I stood in front of the nameless Undercity Auctioneer looking for some cheap yet essential foliage to grind up for more potions, I wondered why the process of leveling my profession had to be so…gold intensive. After giving up on that endeavor I looked through the glyphs I still didn't have and teleported back to the front lamenting my lack of gold. At times like these I often wonder if I'd be willing to throw down some cold, hard cash to alleviate my virtual woes. I've done it plenty in other games like Vindictus and League of Legends, why not in the biggest MMO of them all?